One of the items we “inherited” from the previous owners was a whiteboard. We decided to leave it up and used it initially for our “things to do quickly to make this house livable” list. It morphed here and there, but this list remained posted in this form for almost two years into our Spokane fixer-upper endeavor. It was a great reminder of the tasks that needed doing, but, just as important, it reminded us of tasks already completed – and that progress is progress, no matter how small.
Some of the items on the list were easy and finished quickly. Others never got done because they morphed into larger projects, or we changed our minds about specific room goals. Either way, keeping this list at the forefront of our minds by posting it in the kitchen ensured that we never lost sight (literally) of the goals. Our to-do list eventually got shorter, moving from mundane tasks to bigger dreams – the kind of dreams that are more long-term, i.e., expensive. As we continue to dream, “add it to the list” has become a common mantra in our household.
You’ll get there. As you say…. Time and Money that’s all we need..